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I understand why the ban happened. I understand I was acting totally immature.
I have a nasty attitude when I am annoyed, mad, whatever you would call a person such as me.

I just don't understand how I spammed. That is all I question here. I understand my toxic behavior and such, but if there was spam, ok then.

Give me time (say, 3+ months) and I will be changed to be back on the server.

I have the right to appeal, a natural right, do not throw this away as if it was a used tissue.

I bet many are sad I am gone, and I don't want them to be sad.

Best regards,

King, everyone's chap.
Quote:I have the right to appeal, a natural right, do not throw this away as if it was a used tissue.

You don't have a right to appeal your punishment in any time as you depleted your multiple chances. Your punishment is permanent and you won't be unbanned. Any further appeals will result in a permanent forums ban.