Aliquam Creative Forums

Full Version: Application For Assistant
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[*]Nickname: verycooldude4321
[*]Why you should be in our staff: I think I should be staff because I would like to help out the other staff members moderate the chat and keep out the type of people that want to ruin the experiences of the other people of Aliquam. If you're considering me to be a staff member, you probably have seen my 3 warnings, those may look bad in someone's eyes but those warnings only help me realize what a staff member would have to look out for.
[*]Experience if any: I have some staff experience from some other small servers that are no longer up.
[*]Are you in another servers' staff, if so where: No, I'm not currently staff on any other server.
[*]What timezone are you living in: GMT+/-4:00
[*]How much time can you spend daily on watching over the server: Unless some event such as a birthday or a vacation comes up I will be able to spend a good amount of time on Aliquam, and although it's summer school will be starting in September which will lower the time I will be able to spend on Aliquam.
[*]Somebody's overusing capslock on the chat - what do you do: If it is their first time I will give them a verbal warning, however if they were to continue I would give them a warning.
[*]Somebody's begging for rankup - what do you do: I would tell the person not to beg and continuing will result in a warning. In addition I would tell the person that is begging for a rankup that you earn ranks by building and when you're ready type /rank request, and after that a staff member will review the person's plot and decide if him/her Is ready for the next rank.
[*]Something about yourself, it doesn't have to be long: I do not hesitate to talk and like to help people understand the rules and the nice features being a member Aliquam gives you for building.
[*]Additional: I have nothing more to add but I hope I can join the team of staff members that manage the Aliquam very well.
With the majority of the staff votes your application has been denied.

Please note that this decision is definitive. You can make a new application in 6 months.