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Full Version: Application for Kevdu
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[list][*]Nickname: Kevdu
[*]Why you should be in our staff:
[*]Experience if any: I know plenty of commands, I know people of this server Know a technique of mine.
[*]Are you in another servers' staff, if so where: Admin - Paradise-Network
[*]What timezone are you living in: Central time (Chicago)
[*]How much time can you spend daily on watching over the server: 3 hours daily depending on day
[*]Somebody's overusing capslock on the chat - what do you do: I would tell them to turn off capslock if so to assume they did it by accident they tell me no Ill give them a warning.
[*]Somebody's begging for rankup - what do you do: Ill tell them, well "Nope :) if they keep asking for it they wont get it..." If they annoy me ill tell them to stop and give them a warning
[*]Something about yourself, it doesn't have to be long: I have been experienced with many servers, many people do want to become staff for the power, some do it for fun... It is not like me I usually become staff because I am a trustworthy person you can know. Never had I had a kick or ban with a 9 month experience with this server. I never talk that much but what I do know is how to treat a server my style of being staff is to be invisible or undercover for people to catch people. It is difficult to catch a person breaking the rules or laws of the server if they know they are being watched. Many staff members would know this. I have never disrespected anyone in this server. I never do want to get a person to get to break the rules and get away with it... If I become a staff member of this server I will have my promise of protecting it like a staff should do so. Not many people are good at being staff but with my experience of becoming one I should be a good example of a person to become one. Big responsibility is with staff never they should give a harsh punishment or give a tiny punishment where the person doesn't learn a lesson of breaking a rule or law.
[*]Additional: No bans, No kicks or anything
Your application doesn't meet our requirements (You're not Familiar or higher) and therefore is denied.

Please note that this decision is definitive. You can make a new application in six months.