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(Please do not read half way through and just decline, please read the entire thing. I can't tell staff what to do but 

Hello, Aliquam. I deleted my other appeal due to some failures I made in the statement. (2019/08/01: I tried to see if I could appeal on Discord but the staff wanted me to appeal here so I'm reposting this appeal again.)

My username is Mallxrd.
I was banned by Takkita for "Toxic behavior"
I was banned sometime in May of 2019, I don't exactly remember the date.
It is now July 29th.

My true behavior and my story was I was being annoying and I do admit it. I am sorry for any trouble I have caused. But at the same time, Takkita had something against me and in my opinion it was only him. I am not certain about anyone else who was affected by it. But I can disagree with Takkita's claim. I got angry about how slow the staff was and I made a statement in the discord explaining how I felt. I hope staff took it into consideration. I would be more than happy to serve as staff since I love the server and everyone there and I would love to help, But with all of the warnings I got, I can't get staff now Sad.
To understand me better about who I am as a person and my feelings, I wrote a little something, hopefully this helps...

I feel ashamed of my behavior towards Takkita. We act like brothers towards each other that don't get along. My message to Takkita: "I am sorry for any trouble I have caused and I will never do it again to you or anyone and I know we had something against each other but thats no excuse for what happened."

I try to be nice to people, I sometimes get too excited and when I'm too excited I go on an outrage and I start annoying some people. That in my book is unacceptable behavior.

But, I do take things very serious a lot of times, I will get very serious in a lot of situations, in some I will be very tense on some people. Sometimes, I do get very concerned about stuff and I go into panic mode and I have nothing else to do. Sometimes fear and anxiety will "help" release my stress factor. I am a person who cares about a lot of things and I like making sure things are in order. I don't like hiding the truth and I am always that person who takes an extra step in caution. You guys know that I am the type of person who if something doesn't seem right, I go to staff and ask for help to make sure everything is correct.

I am a very hyper person... I just entered into my teen years a few months back, being a kid, when you're excited about something you really get that rush of energy.

That is me, I hope this didn't seem like I was blaming it on emotions, it's not. I'm simply expressing who I am as a person so everyone can get a sense of who I am and understand me better.

There was a player who had an issue, I had no idea the player was a hacker who was being punished so I was calling staff and it took a while for them to respond. Wayyy to long for a serious issue. But the issue on my part was I had no idea that it was a hacker at the time I was calling staff. I first knew when staff arrived. I made a mistake on that part and I am sorry for that.

There were more mistakes I made with mis-understandings. But everyone goes through these things. I understand that.

I was a bit annoyed myself about the slow response of staff.

I do admit I was being annoying a lot of times, I do have some outbursts of rage and annoyance. I'm sorry for anyone who I have annoyed. And I will promise to change that if I am accepted back in.

There are many other cases I have and some questions I want to ask so I can understand the server more so the same doesn't happen if I am accepted back in.

Q1: If I am accepted back in, since It's been a few months since my world has been touched... Has it already been deleted? If so, Is it possible to recover the world to its last state before the ban? This question was answered by a member on the discord..

Q2: Not to be rude and mean, but why is staff slow in a lot of situations when people need them? I can understand cases with the hacker I was talking about before, but I didn't know at the time so I thought it was a serious glitch that staff needed to help. I realize for small things that can wait a little bit. I would suggest hiring staff who are able to respond very quickly. I know that some staff have jobs themself and can't just hop on the server and help right away.

Q3: Have the rules changed since I have been banned?

That sums up my ban appeal. For anyone I have hurt or annoyed in my time on the server, I am deeply sorry for the trouble I have caused. I promise that it'll never happen again. But I want everyone to know me and I want to know them. I do have some outbursts when things get on my nerves and I do go crazy over little things. I realize it bothers other people and I don't like bothering other people. I would love to get back onto the server and continue to do what I love to do and what I've been doing for years. If I don't get accepted. I wish everyone on the server good luck and even if I do get accepted, I still wish everyone good luck Big Grin .

Thank you for understanding my case and I apologize again for my outrage. I will change how I act and I will behave myself.

I have reflected on my mistakes and this will be a lesson for me. Like I said before, I want everyone to understand who I am as a person and to know that sometimes I go haywire. My punishment was needed, But I think now I have learned my lesson and I am ready to come back stronger and better than before. If anyone gets annoyed by me in the future, please understand I'm not always the most mature. I'd like to see all of you again and work with everyone again.

I hope to be accepted and come back soon! 
Hey! You made it to the end! Thanks for reading my ban appeal, I truly appreciate it. I hope this wasn't too much and I hope I didn't waste my time for nothing. I also hope that you guys don't see this as me blaming it on my emotions or on just little bits. I wanted to give as much in depth of what happened and what I plan to do in the future, I have reflected on all my mistakes and I promise to not repeat them in the future.
This is a sever that meant a lot to me and I want to come back to it. This is a 10/10 most unique server out there. an experience you cam't get anywhere else. I truly love this server and want to come back to it.

For my closing remarks: I know this seems like a lot for a "Toxic Behavior" ban. But I needed to explain all I can in this entire appeal so everyone can understand me better and know that I'm not just completely worthless and useless joke. 
Edit: I added a few things to the appeal (labeled in bold) Because there was some info I needed to include because my original post wasn't good enough for me and I really wanting to get back onto the server. (8/1/19 ; 10:40 PM EDT) Please don't decline because of the insane amount of edits. I want to make sure I feature enough info as possible. Thanks.

-Thanks, Mallxrd (a breed of duck that not everyone knows of so people call me Mall)
Discord: lukxrd#2831
Over the course of the months you were active on the server, many of the staff members and players alike were rapidly made aware of your demeanor, and in private had expressed their concerns and complaints over the matter. This imagination that it was any one individual that 'had it out for you' is a complete fabrication on your part that can not be grounded by any sense of fact.

As I'm sure you are aware, Aliquam is a community that promotes a safe-haven for all builders of all ages and ethnicity to enjoy free of harm, harassment, and hurt. The Staff are in place to ensure that anyone that upsets that balance is properly handled in a fashion that is professional and courteous. However, the Staff are not here to be your aspiration, therapist, or co-parent. If you have real personality issues that conflict with Aliquams ideology, then proper measures will be taken to protect the integrity of the server. Whether or not you have a 'hyper' personality or get 'outraged' in stressful situations is not a concern of ours and needs to be properly addressed in your own personal life.

Now, to address your questions:

Quote:Q1: If I am accepted back in, since It's been a few months since my world has been touched... Has it already been deleted? If so, Is it possible to recover the world to its last state before the ban? 

- No, your world is not deleted. It is saved and stored away and will remain so (almost) indefinitely until such a time that a ban has been lifted.

Quote:Q2: Not to be rude and mean, but why is staff slow in a lot of situations when people need them? I can understand cases with the hacker I was talking about before, but I didn't know at the time so I thought it was a serious glitch that staff needed to help. I realize for small things that can wait a little bit. I would suggest hiring staff who are able to respond very quickly. I know that some staff have jobs themself and can't just hop on the server and help right away.

- The premise of this question is absurd, since you are accusing the staff of something without all the facts in place, and doing so in your appeal when you were banned for such behavior.
No, we are not slow. 
As a player I'm sure you were unaware of what goes on beyond the curtain, but believe me when I say that we are immediately informed and made aware of any and all issues that may arise, and sometimes biding time is the best option for certain situations. We are strict but also patient. We want to see people succeed and do not delight in punishments. 
Just because you don't immediately see 'The Ban Hammer has Spoken' does not mean the issue is not being dealt with. 

Quote:Q3: Have the rules changed since I have been banned?
- There have been modifications, which you can review Here.

While your apology is well received, unfortunately, among the conferencing of Senior Staff, we have determined that your post has displayed the same unresolved issues with maturity in regards to interaction among players.

Since these issues appear to have not yet been resolved on your part, we will have to DENY your appeal at this time.

You may submit a new appeal in 6 months time from todays date.