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Full Version: Application for Assistant - sMod
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My nickname is Kitty, Kit, and Ki ki.

[*]Why you should be in our staff:

Many people said I am a very good helper, so I feel like I would be good to do that and I'm also online a lot, especially when there isn't any staff on.

[*]Experience if any:

I feel like I have quite a bit of experience because I feel I can be mature at times and I also help out a lot at my school if my friends or others need help.

[*]Are you in another servers' staff, if so where:

I used to be an admin on another server, McCity, but it got shut down so...
but the first week I started I got ranked up to op so that was cool. :)

[*]What timezone are you living in:

I live in Texas, so I have central time.

[*]How much time can you spend daily on watching over the server:

About 2 - 5 hours on a school day, on weekends maybe around eight hours.

[*]Somebody's overusing capslock on the chat - what do you do:

If someone's overusing caps I would give them a warning by saying "Please don't overuse caps" or something very close, if they keep it up I would kick them until they stop or if I have kicked them at least three times in that one section of time I would temporarily ban them.

[*]Somebody's begging for rankup - what do you do:

I would tell that person that they would have to build something on their world and then do /modreq <rank>, I would also remind them that they can't do pixel art or a roller coaster because then they'd just be wasting their time.

[*]Something about yourself, it doesn't have to be long:

I am a big fan of puzzles and math, I can be creative, and I'm on the school swim team. <3


I'm also a very logical person.
Unfortunately your application has been denied by majority of votes. Please try during our next recruitment, which is planned for December/January!