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Dev Operations Manager - Printable Version

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Dev Operations Manager - ZPower - 01 Jul 2016

I understand that you are not looking for a DEV OPERATIONS manager, but I will give it a shot!

I will be using my own format because I am not applying for helper.

Feel 100% free to contact me on my services.

Also, if I am denied please tell me what I could do better.

//start application

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4] 

Moderators, please refer this thread to an administrator and/or owner.


Please call me Xeiver. My first name is Xeiver and my last name is Pyron.

In game name:

My current and only in-game name is: ZPower124

[b]Form(s) of communication*:[/b]

Email me at:
Private message me for skype


I am a very kind and loving person to work with. I will take almost any order (unless it would be illegal) and I am VERY productive.

Most of the work that would take others days to get done, I can get done within a day.

My birthday is July 5th of 2000, and I am currently 15 years of age.
Previous Experience (can also be if you have done anything outside of Minecraft):
I have worked at tens of Minecraft servers before and have programmed a few Spigot Plugins. You can find the plugins at the links below:
I understand these plugins may be quite rudimentary, but everyday I am vastly expanding my knowledge of Java as well as the Spigot/Bukkit API. I am currently working on a warp plugin which can be found below:
Please note that that plugin is currently unstable and not ready to be released.

I also offer a free service to setup a GUI menu, more information on that can be found here:

I am also a networking KING! I can setup a ten server BungeeCord proxy in under 15 minutes.

I also run my own Minecraft server host, one hundred percent free hosting! 4 gigabyte of ram plans! (This is currently full)

I also have a god-given skill for systems administration.

I am also very good at advertisement. I live by operation TANGI:

T- Telecommunication
A - Advertisement
N - Networking
G - Growth
I - Infrastructure

As for advertisement, I have been the C.O.M. (Chief of Marketing) at many servers before.

I know the position DEV-OPERATIONS may seem odd to you, so I have included a graphic to help you understand:

[Image: devops.png]

A Dev Operations Manager is basically your all-in-one man for getting things done!


I am currently in the Central time zone, in the state of Iowa.

Playing Information:

Personally, I see a lot potential in this network. I also rarely actually play Minecraft, most of the time I am programming something for Minecraft.

On average, how long are you on the server every day/week? 

Currently I do not play that much, however if I was to get a position in which I moderate other clients on the network, I could put in three to seven hours a day on weekdays, and one to three hours a day on weekends
When did you join the server for the first time?

I first joined the network today, and I see somethings that need to be fixed up on it. Most of which are currently out of my control, and most likely will be in the future.
When did you start playing Minecraft?

I forgot what day I started playing Minecraft, I was told by our teacher it is a great learning tool (for programming it really was for me at least) I remember the version was 1.6.4. Using you can find a rough estimate of the time period.

How long have you been cannoning?

I find this question to not be relevant to the position I am applying for, therefor I will not be answering it.

Why we should choose you:

You should choose me because I am extremely talented at not only server administration, but networking, and basic programming. I am also a very caring and lovable person. However, do not let this fool you, I can be very tough at times when toughness is needed. I can gain almost anyone's trust, which has helped me a lot in life so far. When I am choosing staff for other servers that I host or work at, I only choose the most trust worthy and kind people I can.

What would the server gain from you?

By hiring me, the server will gain optimization en masse. I can cut the server's ram usage in half in most cases, meaning it will cost you less to host. If there are less hosting costs, the server will be more sustainable and profitable. Thus the server will have many more years to come. Another great thing about me is that I am FREE. I do not charge for my services (although many of my clients insist they pay me). I have worked at doomed servers and completely turned them around.

I also have close ties with many people. For example, let's say you need help with RCON. I have a VERY close tie to Code name: ExKrome. He will assist me in helping you. He will need no rank on the network.

Why should we choose YOU to be helper above everyone else?

Refer to 'What would the server gain from you?'

Extra Information:

I have a personal website for my networking, that website is ''
It runs MyBB just like this server!

Do you want us to know anything else?

I have a personality flaw that I want to come out with. If a staff member or administrator are doing something wrong, even if they have more power than I do, I will not stand for it.

For example, if the owner of the network is using black spigot to get paid plugins for free. I will confront them.

I also do not talk much.

"When you say run, I reply 'How fast?' "

This application is universal. Meaning if I am not accepted for a Dev Operations manager position, this application will work for all ranks.

RE: Dev Operations Manager - jeikobu__ - 01 Jul 2016

[ Plugin Examples ]

I've looked briefly through your plugin examples and I am very happy that you have an interest in programming, however you don't have enough skills for us to work as a Developer. We are looking for developers with experience in Spigot/Bukkit API.. We are currently not interested in taking interns to our staff since we don't have time to teach other people.

As for networking and advertising, we are not currently looking for neither of positions.

[ Qualifications ]

You are mentioning that you're good in RAM usage optimalisation. Unfortunately, as far as I am concerned, your optimalisations will end on configuration changes on server and plugin side. Our optimalisations go as far as to having our own asynchronous world loader, which saves us tons of RAM. From your descriptions it seems that you're not as qualified in programming as we would like our devs to be.

Most of the skills you have (server management, networking, configurations, forum management) are tasks we would never trust a stranger with. These are the tasks we do rarely and are connected with high risk of breaking something and require us to give full access to our resources, which nobody except us has (and won't have).

I like the way you're trying to sell yourself... but I'm not buying. I'm sorry, but we can't take you with your developer skills as they are. Good luck on another servers.


RE: Dev Operations Manager - ZPower - 01 Jul 2016

(01 Jul 2016, 10:46 PM)jeikobu__ Wrote: [ Plugin Examples ]

I've looked briefly through your plugin examples and I am very happy that you have an interest in programming, however you don't have enough skills for us to work as a Developer. We are looking for developers with experience in Spigot/Bukkit API.. We are currently not interested in taking interns to our staff since we don't have time to teach other people.

As for networking and advertising, we are not currently looking for neither of positions.

[ Qualifications ]

You are mentioning that you're good in RAM usage optimalisation. Unfortunately, as far as I am concerned, your optimalisations will end on configuration changes on server and plugin side. Our optimalisations go as far as to having our own asynchronous world loader, which saves us tons of RAM. From your descriptions it seems that you're not as qualified in programming as we would like our devs to be.

Most of the skills you have (server management, networking, configurations, forum management) are tasks we would never trust a stranger with. These are the tasks we do rarely and are connected with high risk of breaking something and require us to give full access to our resources, which nobody except us has (and won't have).

I like the way you're trying to sell yourself... but I'm not buying. I'm sorry, but we can't take you with your developer skills as they are. Good luck on another servers.

I highly respect and understand your decision. I am quite glad you responded. I might apply for a lower rank at a later date, but for now I wish you the best. :-)

Once again thank you for replying with respect rather than fire.
