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Title: Unban
I didnt mean to do any harm I was just playing around with Pickle and then we just get banned.Please unban and give us a 2nd chance.I am doing something on this server and I think it is really cool.Im sorry.
(11 Dec 2015, 02:49 AM)JakeThePro1014 Wrote: I didnt mean to do any harm

You actually did, and I have solid proof on that. You were deliberately plotting against the griefed plot's owner (convinced him to make you a plot member, tried to convince to make you an admin, even messaged Pickle while plotting) and then deleted everything on it. That's the behaviour we absolutely despise, and I won't tolerate somebody lying in our faces by saying that they "meant no harm".

You won't be unbanned. Please don't post another unban topics as they will be instantly denied as well.

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