From now on Recruitment will be open until we'll find sufficient quantity of staff members.
In addition to speaking English, you have to be at least Familiar, you have to have at least 24 hours of playtime on our server (you can check your playtime with the /playtime command) and you can't have more than three warnings in our system (you can check it by clicking Ban List on the right side of Aliquam logo).
You can apply for Assistant or JrMod; you only need to select it in your topic title. If you won't select anything, you'll be treated as a JrMod candidate.
Please remember to use the template. Every single application that doesn't follow the template will be denied immediately.
Best regards and good luck,
From now on Recruitment will be open until we'll find sufficient quantity of staff members.
In addition to speaking English, you have to be at least Familiar, you have to have at least 24 hours of playtime on our server (you can check your playtime with the /playtime command) and you can't have more than three warnings in our system (you can check it by clicking Ban List on the right side of Aliquam logo).
You can apply for Assistant or JrMod; you only need to select it in your topic title. If you won't select anything, you'll be treated as a JrMod candidate.
Please remember to use the template. Every single application that doesn't follow the template will be denied immediately.
Best regards and good luck,
Server Co-owner | Public Relations Manager
Contact me @ Discord: Feriach#5440