I have a few suggestions for my one and only favorite server, Aliquam! I organized these 8 suggestions in order of importance from 1/5 to 5/5.
Number 1 is the most important, all the way down to the least important!
1. Ability to make your own kits. (5/5)
This would be especially useful for people that use redstone a lot. When building games and stuff like that, I use a lot of redstone. But I have to press E to get the repeaters, the torches, the comparators, etc. But moments later, I need other tools! It would be really useful to have a command that makes a kit out of the 9 items you have in your hot bar.
2. Ability to see "Your playtime today." (4/5)
This would be useful because I stay on the server for long periods of time and would like to know how long I've played in that one day. I know there are gametrackers to keep track of the total time you've played in a day, but hey! Why not have it right under your total /playtime when you do that command?
3. Ability to see AFK members with /who, /list, or the TAB button. (4/5)
Sometimes I wanna know who's AFK or not, and I know I could use /msg to see if they are, but a quicker and more efficient way would be being able to see AFK players by using /who or by pressing the TAB buttons. Maybe marking [AFK] next to their names? Or underlining AFK players or their names can be in a certain color when they're AFK!
4. Auto [EN] chat subscription. (3/5)
Whenever I'm private I always stay subscribed to the public chat so I can see what goes on. But when I leave to a public world, and back to a private world, I'm not subscribed to the public chat so I'd have to do /mc sub en again! It'd be good if I could stay subscribed instead of having to do the command.
5. /playtimetop (3/5)
I went through the forums and I saw Clerisa's post (https://forums.aliquam.org/showthread.php?tid=172) and I thought, "Hey! I also had this idea!" It would be awesome to see people's playtime for curiosity just how you can see their balance and votes!
6. 12 hour time. (3/5)
Some people can't read 24-hour time. For example, "It's 14:25." I can read both 12 and 24-hour times, but 12-hour time is easier for me to understand since I look at the clock a lot. It would be nice if you had an option to switch between the two!
7. Two-color limit for nicks. (2/5)
One color is good enough, but maybe two colors in a nickname aren't that bad! I would love to have "Its" in dark yellow, and "MrFlippy" in light yellow! It would be nice to be able to use two colors in a nickname so people can be more creative with their colors but don't overuse colors with the limit.
8. Notification to players who send a message to the EN or PL chat without being subscribed to them. (2/5)
There have been times where some of my friends aren't subscribed to the public chat channel but they do the prefix "$" and send a message to the public chat without them even knowing it! Maybe there could be a message that says when you sent a message to the public chat and you're not subscribed to it.
That's about it for now! Thanks for taking the time to read and have a good day/night!
Number 1 is the most important, all the way down to the least important!
1. Ability to make your own kits. (5/5)
This would be especially useful for people that use redstone a lot. When building games and stuff like that, I use a lot of redstone. But I have to press E to get the repeaters, the torches, the comparators, etc. But moments later, I need other tools! It would be really useful to have a command that makes a kit out of the 9 items you have in your hot bar.
2. Ability to see "Your playtime today." (4/5)
This would be useful because I stay on the server for long periods of time and would like to know how long I've played in that one day. I know there are gametrackers to keep track of the total time you've played in a day, but hey! Why not have it right under your total /playtime when you do that command?
3. Ability to see AFK members with /who, /list, or the TAB button. (4/5)
Sometimes I wanna know who's AFK or not, and I know I could use /msg to see if they are, but a quicker and more efficient way would be being able to see AFK players by using /who or by pressing the TAB buttons. Maybe marking [AFK] next to their names? Or underlining AFK players or their names can be in a certain color when they're AFK!
4. Auto [EN] chat subscription. (3/5)
Whenever I'm private I always stay subscribed to the public chat so I can see what goes on. But when I leave to a public world, and back to a private world, I'm not subscribed to the public chat so I'd have to do /mc sub en again! It'd be good if I could stay subscribed instead of having to do the command.

5. /playtimetop (3/5)
I went through the forums and I saw Clerisa's post (https://forums.aliquam.org/showthread.php?tid=172) and I thought, "Hey! I also had this idea!" It would be awesome to see people's playtime for curiosity just how you can see their balance and votes!
6. 12 hour time. (3/5)
Some people can't read 24-hour time. For example, "It's 14:25." I can read both 12 and 24-hour times, but 12-hour time is easier for me to understand since I look at the clock a lot. It would be nice if you had an option to switch between the two!
7. Two-color limit for nicks. (2/5)
One color is good enough, but maybe two colors in a nickname aren't that bad! I would love to have "Its" in dark yellow, and "MrFlippy" in light yellow! It would be nice to be able to use two colors in a nickname so people can be more creative with their colors but don't overuse colors with the limit.

8. Notification to players who send a message to the EN or PL chat without being subscribed to them. (2/5)
There have been times where some of my friends aren't subscribed to the public chat channel but they do the prefix "$" and send a message to the public chat without them even knowing it! Maybe there could be a message that says when you sent a message to the public chat and you're not subscribed to it.
That's about it for now! Thanks for taking the time to read and have a good day/night!
Each block you place represents the drops of sweat you lost to build your masterpiece. -A snowman in Imagination City.