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Title: I was banned for a bug in W/E or the Server
I was Banned for a "lag machine" even though i didnt make one. i was copy pasting alot of redstone 
(it was a trading mechine)
i never ment to crash the server and i know why it happend. i pasted in alot of hoppers and removed them (i had it 1 block off) i apologized about it and i said if it happened again i wouldnt do it and hand build what i was copy pasting. (and i was gonna report it)

it might be a bug with the server or W/E. not being able to handle hoppers (or redstone in gerneral) in such a big load.
You have been unbanned. It was only a temporary precaution while we gathered the facts since we kept being crashed before we could find the answers. In the future if you notice a possible issue please speak to one of the staff members so we can look into it more efficiently. Thank you for letting us know lilkdoggie and for your patience in this matter.


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