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Title: Minecraft Item ID List: 1.12 Blocks Added
One of the common questions asked daily is "what is the ID for such and such". Now, you could do F3+H (or if on a Mac/Apple it's FN+F3+H) and see the ID's in your inventory by hovering over the item. But if you are not capable of doing that, here is a list for you!

To search for a specific block do CTRL+F Enjoy ^__^

Building Blocks

Stone - 1
Grass - 2
Dirt - 3
Podzol - 3:2
Cobblestone - 4
Oak Wood Planks - 5
Spruce Wood Planks - 5:1
Birch Wood Planks - 5:2
Jungle Wood Planks - 5:3
Acacia Wood Planks - 5:4
Dark Oak Wood Planks - 5:5
Oak Sapling - 6
Spruce Sapling - 6:1
Birch Sapling - 6:2
Jungle Sapling - 6:3
Acacia Sapling - 6:4
Dark Oak Sapling - 6:5
Bedrock - 7
Sand - 12
Red Sand - 12:1
Gravel - 13
Gold Ore - 14
Iron Ore - 15
Coal Ore - 16
Oak Wood - 17 (Full Bark 17:12)
Spruce Wood - 17:1 (Full Bark 17:13)
Birch Wood - 17:2 (Full Bark 17:14)
Jungle Wood - 17:3 (Full Bark 17:15)
Sponge - 19
Glass - 20
Lapis Lazuli Ore - 21
Lapis Lazuli Block - 22
Sandstone - 24
Chiseled Sandstone - 24:1
Smooth Sandstone - 24:2
Wool - 35
Orange Wool - 35:1
Magenta Wool - 35:2
Light Blue Wool - 35:3
Yellow Wool - 35:4
Lime Wool - 35:5
Pink Wool - 35:6
Gray Wool - 35:7
Light Grey Wool - 35:8
Cyan Wool - 35:9
Purple Wool - 35:10
Blue Wool - 35:11
Brown Wool - 35:12
Green Wool - 35:13
Red Wool - 35:14
Black Wool - 35:15
Block Of Gold - 41
Block Of Iron - 42
Stone Slab (DOUBLE) - 43
*Stone Slab (SINGLE) - 44
*Sandstone Slab - 44:1
*Cobblestone Slab - 44:3
*Bricks Slab - 44:4
*Stone Bricks Slab - 44:5
*Nether Brick Slab - 44:6
*Quartz Slab - 44:7
Bricks - 45
Bookshelf - 47
Moss Stone (formally Mossy Cobblestone) - 48
Obsidian - 49
*Oak Wood Stairs - 53
Diamond Ore - 56
Block Of Diamond - 57
Farmland - 60
*Cobblestone Stairs - 67
Redstone Ore - 73
Ice - 79
Snow Block - 80
Clay - 82
Pumpkin - 86
Netherrack - 87
Soul Sand - 88
Glowstone - 89
*Jack o'Lantern - 91
White Stained Glass - 95
Orange Stained Glass - 95:1
Magenta Stained Glass - 95:2
Light Blue Stained Glass - 95:3
Yellow Stained Glass - 95:4
Lime Stained Glass - 95:5
Pink Stained Glass - 95:6
Grey Stained Glass - 95:7
Light Gray Stained Glass - 95:8
Cyan Stained Glass - 95:9
Purple Stained Glass - 95:10
Blue Stained Glass - 95:11
Brown Stained Glass - 95:12
Green Stained Glass - 95:13
Red Stained Glass - 95:14
Black Stained Glass - 95:15
Stone Bricks - 98
Mossy Stone Bricks - 98:1
Cracked Stone Bricks - 98:2
Chiseled Stone Bricks - 98:3
Mushroom - 99
Mushroom Stalk - 99:15
Mushroom - 100
Mushroom Stalk - 100:15
Melon - 103
Brick Stairs - 108
Stone Brick Stairs - 109
Mycelium - 110
Nether Brick - 112
*Nether Brick Stairs - 114
End Stone - 121
Oak Wood Slab (DOUBLE) - 125
*Oak Wood Slab (Single) - 126
*Spruce Wood Slab - 126:1
*Birch Wood Slab - 126:2
*Jungle Wood Slab - 126:3
*Acacia Wood Slab - 126:4
*Dark Oak Wood Slab - 126:5
*Sandstone Stairs - 128
Emerald Ore - 129
Block Of Emerald - 133
*Spruce Wood Stairs - 134
*Birch Wood Stairs - 135
*Jungle Wood Stairs - 136
Cobblestone Wall - 139
Mossy Cobblestone Wall - 139:1
Nether Quartz Ore - 153
Block of Quartz - 155
Chiseled Quartz Block - 155:1
Pillar Quartz Block - 155:2
*Quartz Stairs - 156
White Stained Clay - 159
Orange Stained Clay - 159:1
Magenta Stained Clay - 159:2
Light Blue Stained Clay - 159:3
Yellow Stained Clay - 159:4
Lime Stained Clay - 159:5
Pink Stained Clay - 159:6
Gray Stained Clay - 159:7
Light Grey Stained Clay - 159:8
Cyan Stained Clay - 159:9
Purple Stained Clay - 159:10
Blue Stained Clay - 159:11
Brown Stained Clay - 159:12
Green Stained Clay - 159:13
Red Stained Clay - 159:14
Black Stained Clay - 159:15
Acacia Wood - 162 (full bark 162:12)
Dark Oak Wood - 162:1 (full bark 162:13)
*Acacia Wood Stairs - 163
*Dark Oak Wood Stairs - 164
Prismarine - 168
Prismarine Bricks - 168:1
Dark Prismarine - 168:2
Sea Lantern - 169
Hay Bale - 170
Hardened Clay - 172
Block of Coal - 173
Packed Ice - 174
Red Sandstone - 179
Chiseled Red Sandstone - 179:1
Smooth Red Sandstone - 179:2
*Red Sandstone Stairs - 180
*Red Sandstone Slabs - 182
Purpur Block - 201
Purpur Pillar - 202
*Purpur Stairs - 203
*Purpur Slab - 205
End Stone Bricks - 206
Grass Path - 208

Decoration Blocks

Oak Sapling - 6
Spruce Sapling - 6:1
Birch Sapling - 6:2
Jungle Sapling - 6:3
Acacia Sapling - 6:4
Dark Oak Sapling - 6:5
Oak Leaves - 18 No decay - 18:4
Spruce leaves - 18:1 No decay - 18:5
Birch Leaves - 18:2 No decay - 18:6
Jungle Leaves - 18:3 No decay - 18:7
Cobweb - 30
Grass - 31:1
Fern - 31:2
Dead Bush - 32
Dandelion - 37
Poppy - 38
Blue Orchid - 38:1
Allium - 38:2
Azure Bluet - 38:3
Red Tulip - 38:4
Orange Tulip - 38:5
White Tulip - 38:6
Pink Tulip - 38:7
Oxeye Daisy - 38:8
Mushroom - 39
Mushroom (RED) - 40
Torch 50
Chest - 54
Crafting Table - 58
Furnace - 61
Furnace (Burning) - 62
Ladder - 65
Snow Layer - 78
Cactus - 81
Jukebox - 84
Fence - 85
Portal (Nether) - 90
Stone Monster Egg - 97
Cobblestone Monster Egg - 97:1
Stone Brick Monster Egg - 97:2
Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg - 97:3
Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg - 97:4
Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg - 97:5
Iron Bars - 101
Glass Pane - 102
Vines - 106
Lily Pad - 111
Nether Brick Fence - 113
Enchantment Table - 116
tile.null.name (end portal tile) - 119
End Portal - 120
Dragon Egg - 122
Ender Chest - 130
*Anvil - 145
*Slightly Damaged Anvil - 145:1
*Very Danaged Anvil - 145:2
Trapped Chest - 146
White Stained Glass Pane - 160
Orange Stained Glass Pane - 160:1
Magenta Stained Glass Pane - 160:2
Light Blue Stained Glass Pane - 160:3
Yellow Stained Glass Pane - 160:4
Lime Green Stained Glass Pane - 160:5
Pink Stained Glass Pane - 160:6
Gray Stained Glass Pane - 160:7
Light Grey Stained Glass Pane - 160:8
Cyan Stained Glass Pane - 160:9
Purple Stained Glass Pane - 160:10
Blue Stained Glass Pane - 160:11
Brown Stained Glass Pane - 160:12
Green Stained Glass Pane - 160:13
Red Stained Glass Pane - 160:14
Black Stained Glass Pane - 160:15
Acacia Leaves - 161 No decay - 161:4
Dark Oak Leaves - 161:1 No decay 161:5
Carpet (white) - 171
Orange Carpet - 171:1
Magenta Carpet - 171:2
Light Blue Carpet - 171:3
Yellow Carpet - 171:4
Lime Carpet - 171:5
Pink Carpet - 171:6
Gray Carpet - 171:7
Light Gray Carpet - 171:8
Cyan Carpet - 171:9
Purple Carpet - 171:10
Blue Carpet - 171:11
Brown Carpet - 171:12
Green Carpet - 171:13
Red Carpet - 171:14
Black Carpet - 171:15
Sunflower - 175
Lilac - 175:1
Double Tallgrass - 175:2
Large Fern - 175:3
Rose Bush - 175:4
Peony - 175:5
End Rod - 198
Chorus Plant - 199
Chorus Flower - 200
Painting - 321
Sign - 323
Bed - 355 (each part of the bed is chosen by adding :# 1-15)
*Item Frame - 389
Flower Pot - 390
*Skeleton Skull - 397
*Wither Skeleton Skull - 397:1
*Zombie Head - 397:2
*Head - 397:3
*Creeper Head - 397:4
*Dragon Head - 397/5
*Armor Stand - 406
White Banner - 425:15
Orange Banner - 425:14
Magenta Banner - 425:13
Light Blue Banner - 425:12
Yellow Banner - 425:11
Lime Banner - 425:10
Pink Banner - 425:9
Gray Banner - 425:8
Light Gray Banner - 425:7
Cyan Banner - 425:6
Purple Banner - 425:5
Blue Banner - 425:4
Brown Banner - 425:3
Green Banner - 425:2
Red Banner - 425:1
Black Banner - 425
End Crystal - 426


Dispenser - 23
Note Block - 25
Sticky Piston - 29
Piston - 33
TNT - 46
Lever - 69
Pressure Plate (stone) - 70
Pressure Plate (wood) - 72
Redstone Torch - 76
*Button - 77
*Trapdoor - 96
*Oak Fence Gate - 107
Redstone Lamp - 123
Redstone Lamp (activated) - 124
Tripwire Hook - 131
Command Block - 137
*Button (wood) - 143
Weighted Pressure Plate (light) - 147
Weighted Pressure Plate (heavy) - 148
Daylight Sensor - 151
Block of Redstone - 152
Hopper - 154
Dropper - 158
*Iron Trapdoor - 167
*Spruce Fence Gate - 183
*Birch Fence Gate - 184
*Jungle Fence Gate - 185
*Dark Oak Fence Gate - 186
*Acacia Fence Gate - 187
*Oak Door - 324
*Iron Door - 330
Redstone - 331
Redstone Repeater - 356
Redstone Comparator - 404
*Spruce Door - 427
*Birch Door - 428
*Jungle Door - 429
*Acacia Door - 430
*Dark Oak - 431


Powered Rail - 27
Detector Rail - 28
Rail - 66
Activator Rail - 157
Minecart - 328
Boat - 333
Minecart with Chest - 342
Minecart with Furnace - 343
Minecart with TNT - 407
Minecart with Hopper - 408
Minecart with Command Block - 422


**Water - 8
**Static Water - 9
**Lava - 10
**Static Lava - 11
Fire - 51
Unnamed (blank spawner) - 52
Grown Wheat - 59: (1-7 for little to full grown wheat)
Beacon - 138
Barrier - 166
Beetroot Block - 207
Seeds - 295
Sugar Canes - 338
Bone Meal - 351:15
Cake (IT IS A LIE) - 354
Pumpkin Seeds - 361
Melon Seeds - 362
Nether Wart - 372
Brewing Stand - 379
Cauldron - 380
Carrot - 391
Potato - 392

1.10 Updated Added Blocks 

Magma Block – 213
Nether Wart Block – 214
Red Nether Brick – 215
Bone Block – 216
Structure Block - 255

1.11 Updated Added Blocks

Observer - 218
White Shulker Box - 219
Orange Shulker Box - 220
Magenta Shulker Box - 221
Light Blue Shulker Box - 222
Yellow Shulker Box - 223
Lime Shulker Box - 224
Pink Shulker Box - 225
Gray Shulker Box - 226
Light Gray Shulker Box - 227
Cyan Shulker Box - 228
Purple Shulker Box - 229
Blue Shulker Box -230
Brown Shulker Box - 231
Green Shulker Box - 232
Red Shulker Box - 233
Black Shulker Box - 234

1.12 Updated Added Blocks

*White Glazed Terracotta -235
*Orange Glazed Terracotta -236
*Magenta Glazed Terracotta -237
*Light Blue Glazed Terracotta -238
*Yellow Glazed Terracotta -239
*Lime Glazed Terracotta -240
*Pink Glazed Terracotta -241
*Gray Glazed Terracotta -242
*Light Gray Glazed Terracotta -243
*Cyan Glazed Terracotta -244
*Purple Glazed Terracotta -245
*Blue Glazed Terracotta -246
*Brown Glazed Terracotta -247
*Green Glazed Terracotta -248
*Red Glazed Terracotta -249
*Black Glazed Terracotta -250
White Concrete -251
Orange Concrete -251:1
Magenta Concrete -251:2
Light Blue Concrete -251:3
Yellow Concrete -251:4
Lime Concrete -251:5
Pink Concrete -251:6
Gray Concrete -251:7
Light Gray Concrete -251:8
Cyan Concrete -251:9
Purple Concrete -251:10
Blue Concrete -251:11
Brown Concrete -251:12
Green Concrete -251:13
Red Concrete -251:14
Black Concrete -251:15
White Concrete Powder -252
Orange Concrete Powder -252:1
Magenta Concrete Powder -252:2
Light Blue Concrete Powder -252:3
Yellow Concrete Powder -252:4
Lime Concrete Powder -252:5
Pink Concrete Powder -252:6
Gray Concrete Powder -252:7
Light Gray Concrete Powder -252:8
Cyan Concrete Powder -252:9
Purple Concrete Powder -252:10
Blue Concrete Powder -252:11
Brown Concrete Powder -252:12
Green Concrete Powder -252:13
Red Concrete Powder -252:14
Black Concrete Powder -252:15
White Bed -355
Orange Bed -355:1
Magenta Bed -355:2
Light Blue Bed -355:3
Yellow Bed -355:4
Lime Bed -355:5
Pink Bed -355:6
Gray Bed -355:7
Light Gray Bed -355:8
Cyan Bed -355:9
Purple Bed -355:10
Blue Bed -355:11
Brown Bed -355:12
Green Bed -355:13
Red Bed -355:14
Black Bed -355:15

*To change directions of stairs, doors, trapdoors, etc; or move slabs up or down, add :# (i.e. 114:5 most blocks can go up to :15 just experiment and have fun)
**To change lava levels, water levels or growth levels add :# (i.e. 11:1 or 9:7)
***Herobrine is not a place-able block

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