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Title: Assistant Application!
[*]Nickname: ItsMrsIlluminati, but feel free to call me Lumi or Pandy.
[*]Why you should be in our staff: I enjoy helping people with whatever I can on the server. Whether it be with commands or building, I always do my best to help someone out. I also try my best already to keep chat as friendly and drama-free as possible when no staff are around to do so.
[*]Experience if any: None.
[*]Are you in another servers' staff, if so where: No, I am not.
[*]What timezone are you living in: UTC-6
[*]How much time can you spend daily on watching over the server: On weekdays, I spend around 2-3 hours on Aliquam. On weekends, I'm usually on and off the server from 8:30am to 10:30pm.
[*]Somebody's overusing capslock on the chat - what do you do: I would ask them to refrain from using so much caps and remind them to read the /rules. If they continue, I will verbally ask them once more, and if it continues, they will receive a /warn from me.
[*]Somebody's begging for rankup - what do you do: I would explain to them how ranking up works and tell them to use /request rank and then refer them to /help builds, and if they continue, I would handle it the exact way I would handle spam/overuse of caps.
[*]Something about yourself, it doesn't have to be long: I've always been considered very artistic by the people around me, and I like to embrace that by writing, drawing, and of course, building on Aliquam. I am also well liked on  Aliquam, so I enjoy spending time with my "family" there.
[*]Additional: If I am accepted, then I will be happy to be the newest assistant on Aliquam! And if I am denied, I will still do my best to help people around the server and keep chat orderly while staff are away. Thank you for taking time to read over this. :)
With the majority of the staff votes your application has been denied.

Please note that this decision is definitive. You can make a new application in 6 months.
[Image: ALQBlackWF.svg]
Server Co-owner | Public Relations Manager

Contact me @ Discord: Feriach#5440

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