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Title: Suggestion for the Shop!
So while playing on Aliquam today a conversation was struck up on how to check how much time is left on someone's nickname. I'm not sure if you can check on how much time is left (I tried to see if there was a command, but didn't find any) but thought it would possibly be an idea for the forums!

Here is my suggestion:
Could there be a command so that players can view how much time is left on the nickname before it expires? 

Thank you for considering! Heart
~Clerisa ;P
I second this, it would be very useful to have this feature ^w^
This would be neat. I support this too  Smile
This feature will be added to future versions of our Shop plugin, but since its author is Castro and he know his code the best, he's the one who need to find time to add it. It actually may take a while, so we can't promise on any certain ETA, but it will be done sooner or later.

Thank you for your suggestion! They are very vital for our server and help us grow. If you have any more of them, please post them and we'll put them into consideration.


Staff Management and Technical Administrator
The feature you've requested has been implemented on Aliquam this morning. To list your bought items, use /bought.
(20 Dec 2015, 01:58 PM)jeikobu__ Wrote: The feature you've requested has been implemented on Aliquam this morning. To list your bought items, use /bought.

Thank you so much!!  Heart Heart Heart

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