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Title: Staff Application
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[list][*]Nickname: ItsMrYoshiDude
[*]Why you should be in our staff: I believe that I should be part of your staff because I am good 
at working with other players, no matter the rank. Usually when I am on the server, and out of the players online, I am the highest rank, other players treat me as a staff member; they ask me
questions, ask for advice, and it's nice working with them.

[*]Experience if any: I have had little experience, over a year ago, I was a staff member, but I
decided that it just was not for me. However, I've been on this server for a couple years, and I
feel as if I'm ready for the responsibility.

[*]Are you in another servers' staff, if so where: Currently I am not a staff member in any server.

[*]What timezone are you living in: USA Eastern time.

[*]How much time can you spend daily on watching over the server: Sometimes I do not have time
because I'm busy and cannot be online, but I would say on average a few hours.

[*]Somebody's overusing capslock on the chat - what do you do: Ask them politely to
"watch the caps", and If continued after 2-3 times, the player will be given a warning and asked
once again to stop using capital letters.

[*]Somebody's begging for rankup - what do you do: Let them know that if they want to be ranked up, to do the command /modreq "Rank" "Ik that the command was updated, but I am unsure of what it is, so I use /modreq still" and let them know that a staff member will soon look over their world, and
judge/decide whether they are ready for the next rank on the server.

[*]Something about yourself, it doesn't have to be long: My real name is Ryan, and I've been
playing minecraft ever since the 1.4.5 update. The past almost 2 years, I have gone through many
sad and depressing times, sometimes almost leading myself to suicide, but luckily it's not often
anymore, and I won the majority of the battle. The feeling of sadness, loneliness, even
worthlessness, The last thing that I want is for other people to have to feel what I had to feel.
Ever since then, I have, almost, matured in a way when it comes to socializing. No matter the
person, If theyre upset, I try my hardest to help them. I've become a lot more socialable and
friendly towards others, and I plan on trying to spread that friendliness to not only give it to
people, but to hope that soon those people will also give that same thing to others.
[*]Additional: N/A

Messages In This Thread
Staff Application - by ItsMrYoshiDude - 25 Jun 2017, 06:35 AM
RE: Staff Application - by Feriach - 10 Jul 2017, 05:06 PM

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