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Title: I think my username is Pigeof
My friends call me Alphy, so you can call me Pigeof. 
My username in the Aliquams is of the originality Pigeof.
I prefer to go as a shortcut of my previous name, Alphy, or Alphonzo.
I joined the Aliquams a year and a half before the end of 2016.
Usually the Aliquams is the only server I play, so if you see me, remind me of my lack of a social life and bully me if you want to.
As a "fully" grown adult male, I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Active cloud-watcher 
Loved everything a Geek should love, like pokemans, comics, etc. I don't like Anime
I love Philosophy and Modern Physics, so that is why my only friends are on the internet
And I'm weird.

-From the Alphy or Pigeof
[Image: adcATCy.jpg]
Nice to re-meet you, Alphy. o/
Each block you place represents the drops of sweat you lost to build your masterpiece. -A snowman in Imagination City.
You Too Mate *Tips Fedora*
[Image: adcATCy.jpg]

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