14 Jul 2017, 11:33 PM
This thread will be a discussion and suggestion of why we should have a channel that is NSFW.
NSFW is a warning for an email subject line. It means 'not safe for work' or 'not safe to be viewed at work'. It is used to warn the recipient to not open the message at the office or near young children, because the message contains sexual or repulsive content.
I believe that we should have a NSFW channel in chat. This channel would have its own rules and guidelines to join and a warning before you enter to make sure that the general population can't join unless they know what they are getting into. In this channel you are voided of the following server rules:
Propagating communism, fascism, racism, sexism, nationalism or any other controversial ideologies.
Being mean.
More in depth on what you are voided from:
Propagating communism, fascism, racism, sexism, nationalism or any other controversial ideologies.
You are allowed to propagate nationalism and sexism and controversial ideologies.
[b]Being mean.[/b]
You are allowed to swear, be mean and abuse another player(s) verbally (To an extent).
Here are some gerneral guidelines that the chat would follow:
A. Propagating
A1. Propagating Nationalism, sexism and other controversial ideologies are allowed as long as the ideologies are not BLACKLISTED.If an idea is BLACKLISTED and then used, you will be verbally warned. If you continue to use it then you will be system warned. If it continues then you will be banned from using the NSFW chat.
B. Being Mean
B1. Swearing is allowed unless you use a BLACKLISTED word repeatedly.
B2. Being mean is allowed, you may not however witchhunt people (Witchhunting is when multiple people go out of their way to be mean to someone.)
B3. If you are mean to someone, do NOT take it out of chat (I.e continue to be mean in any other chat).
B4. If you are brawling someone (You both are insulting each other) take it to messages (/msg) and do not flood chat with the fight. If it is multiple people use the chat unless a staff tells you to take it somewhere else.
B5. If you are being verbally assaulted then you may ask a staff to stop the assault. If it continues, that player will be warned.
B6. If you are being insulted and you insult back, you cannot ask a staff to stop the assault.
B7. If you assault someone FIRST and they assault you back, you cannot ask a staff to stop the assault.
C1. If any word, subject, phrase, etc. are BLACKLISTED, then you are FORBIDDEN from saying it in the NSFW chat.
C2. You can request a word, subject, phrase, etc. from being blacklisted.
C3. If something is blacklisted, you can ask for a removal. If a staff approves, you and the person that blacklisted it will say why it should/should not be blacklisted, then a higher-up staff will make the final decision.
C4. If you say any blacklisted word, you will be verbally warned. If it continues you will be system warned. If it continues from there a staff will decide your fate.
Two other players have said that they would want a NSFW channel where you are at least allowed to curse: