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Title: [EN] New Forums, new logo and new Full Rules Set!

I'm thrilling to announce that our rebranding is done! We've made a huge progress from the black-ish, tasteless forum style to a new logo, new style and brand new full rules set (that is actually comprehensible)! If you have any feedback on the new style and/or the logo please post it beneats. We would also like you to read the new rules set as it's essential for playing on our server.
This looks great! Thank you!
I like this white background way more than the old black one. Im confused on the logo though, is it like a satellite?
It's a bulb, just like our previous logo. Like the bulb that pops out above your head when you have an idea :p
I'm kinda late posting this, but i like the new layout, It's very nice!

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