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Title: Un ban PLZ
I was once a wee cheeky lad and i found this diligent server and then a creepo named membean invited me to a world and asked me to place fire and then i am banned of grieving due to his request Angry Angry Angry Angry
I've checked the logs and as far as I am concerned, you were the one to say "im secretly gonna destroy it" via pm to the other player just before the grief.
[Image: ALQBlackWF.svg]
Server Co-owner | Public Relations Manager

Contact me @ Discord: Feriach#5440
As a joke !!!!!!! me, membean,lunarcyclegaming, and the cheekiest tylord ever all are friends so if I don't get unbanned ill just have to find a way to shut your server down or just simply find a new and also why did I get in trouble for the mistake membean made for inviting me
(12 Dec 2015, 05:52 PM)Xx_TBNRdanks_xX Wrote: so if I don't get unbanned ill just have to find a way to shut your server down

We don't like to be threatened.
(12 Dec 2015, 10:46 PM)jeikobu__ Wrote:
(12 Dec 2015, 05:52 PM)Xx_TBNRdanks_xX Wrote: so if I don't get unbanned ill just have to find a way to shut your server down

We don't like to be threatened.

Hey ill do what I gotta do  and besides there are far more servers that are better then your little server that has a max people rate of 30. And i bet that i could run a better server then yours! Sleepy Sleepy
(13 Dec 2015, 12:53 AM)Xx_TBNRdanks_xX Wrote: And i bet that i could run a better server then yours!


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