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Title: Sword_'s Application -
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Sword_ or my actual name is Will.

Why you should be in our staff: 
I have a deep passion for the creative side of Minecraft and I always have done and this is one of the of the only servers I have found where there is a really good creative atmosphere. For this reason, I have decided that I would apply for a staffing position in order so I can help new players get set up and answer any questions that they might have. As well as this, I enjoy having fun with the other members on the server and I feel I can add to this immense atmosphere of fun and creativity.

Experience if any: 
I don't usually tend to go for Staff options as such as I usually like to achieve builder status on servers but I haven't played Minecraft on any other servers for about a year or two. On the last server I was builder on - We had the role of looking over the server when staff members werent present so we had basic commands to ensure that the server stayed positive from those who decide they want to ruin the fun.

Are you in another servers' staff, if so where:
  Nope, this is the only server I play on.

What timezone are you living in: 
 GMT or BST when its summer time.

How much time can you spend daily on watching over the server: 
Currently, I have been playing anywhere between 4 - 8 hours online and during that time I do my best to help other players out or show them inspiration if they need any and I love it.

Somebody's overusing capslock on the chat - what do you do:  
At first I think a warning would be needed but if it is to carry on I think a Temporary mute should solve the issue. If the player is very persistant with their overuse of caps lock I think a temporary ban should be put into place. This way I think it gives them 3 opportunities to redeem themself before they effectively shoot themselves in the foot. The mute would all the person to choose whether or not they still want to play on the server, and if they do, lets other players build in peace without the annoyance.

Somebody's begging for rankup - what do you do: 
A quick reminder of the rules followed by the explanation of how the process will work. Again, if they are persistant I don't think a very short temporary mute would go a miss as it allows the player to carry on building as well as the other players - Hopefully it wouldn't get to this stage as a quick reminder of the process should work a treat.

Something about yourself, it doesn't have to be long: 
 I am very much a hobbyist... I work as a Sales Assistant in a Bicycle shop in the heart of England as that is where my passion lies... BIKES! In my day to day life, I deal with customers a lot as we engange in progressive conversations to hopefully sell a bike and a lifestyle to them. This is amazing experience for when it comes to talking to players online, understanding them and engaging with them. In my spare time, I cycle a lot but I also work on Project cars. I own a MK2 Renault Clio 182 which is my pride and joy! And finally, I have also recently graduated from college with the ambition to go into the Marketing industry within the cycling company that I curently work for. 

Additional: Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this Application... and thank you for providing such a great server! Smile

Messages In This Thread
Sword_'s Application - - by Sword_ - 13 May 2020, 11:43 PM
RE: Sword_'s Application - - by Feriach - 15 May 2020, 10:05 AM

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