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Title: My application for Assistant
  • Nickname: Mina264
  • Why you should be in our staff: I don't like conflict, but I'm willing to help dissolve it, I know there needs to be more people on at night and I'm usually on until late most nights, I'd like to help keep the server calm and peaceful. I'm a fair person and I think I've helped a lot of people as a player, I never joined to rank up, but I know the server needs some help in peacemaking so to speak, so I've decided to step up and try my best to help Smile
  • Experience if any: None
  • Are you in another servers' staff, if so where: No I'm not, this is my first server
  • What timezone are you living in: USA, Eastern Time Zone, GMT-4:00
  • How much time can you spend daily on watching over the server: I'm usually on at night because I usually work 2nd shift at work
  • Somebody's overusing capslock on the chat - what do you do: I'd give warnings first, I go by a 3 strike system, 3 warnings then 3 kicks, then mutes, if need be then temp ban of 1 day, then I'd let the mods deal with them after sending in the ss of the situation
  • Somebody's begging for rankup - what do you do: I politely tell them that begging won't get them what they want, then explain what they need to do to get the rank up step by step and help give pointers if they'd like
  • Something about yourself, it doesn't have to be long: I'm 22 and I work at Walmart so my hours are very screwy; occasionally I'm 1st shift, but I'm 90% 2nd shift; but I absolutely love this server, and the people on it, this has become my server family and I'm glad I've met all of you <3
  • Additional: Thank you for taking the time to read my application <3 I'm sorry I can't figure out how to turn off code, so I forgo it ^^' I'm not that great when it comes to coding...unfortunately
By majority of votes your application has been applied for Assistant!

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