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Title: Crazy Idea To Improve Morale and Good Behaviour
So I don't know how difficult this would be to develop, but tonight the players, Umka and myself were talking about cookies and how awesome it would be to use them as a reward system. Maybe, have them displayed by our names in TAB. Again not sure what your capabilities are.

To avoid discrimination only staff could give out cookies.
Cookies would be given out for:
  • Welcoming new players
  • Being helpful to other players
  • Participating in staff ran build-offs
  • Participation in any other future contests
  • And anything else staff feels like they could use the encouragement for (such as our younger players being proud of finishing a project that otherwise goes unrecognized)
Of course cookies would be taken away - maybe with a message like "That's the way the cookie crumbles". Cookie count cannot be less than 0.

Cookies could be lost for: 
  • Getting a system warn
  • Arguing with staff
  • Provoking other players
  • Or otherwise causing contention in chat that lowers morale.
Cookies would reset on the first of each month and the player with the most cookies the previous month, will have a special title for the month. Maybe something like "CookieKeeper", or "GoodCookie", or "AliquamCookie", or "TopCookie". I don't know, that will take some brain storming to come up with an appropriate title. To keep morale up a player can only have the title for one consecutive month. So if they have it in January they can't have it in February, but can have it again in March.

At the end of the month when the cookies are reset they would be converted into AlqDollars, so maybe 1 cookie = 1$.

Again, as you're well aware I don't know anything about the complexity of coding a new plugin, but we feel this would encourage players to be more cooperative and more a part of the community. Thank you for your time with reading this through and your consideration.

Messages In This Thread
Crazy Idea To Improve Morale and Good Behaviour - by Takkita - 22 Jan 2016, 07:04 AM

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