27 Jan 2017, 08:35 PM
[*]Why you should be in our staff: I have good building ideas and I can help people if they don't know how to do a command.
[*]Experience if any: I have experience of owning a server and I have experience with world edit and building.
[*]Are you in another servers' staff, if so where: I am an owner of a server and an admin on another server.
[*]What timezone are you living in: I live in Britain but im not really sure what time zone I live in.
[*]How much time can you spend daily on watching over the server: I can spend time on the server daily from 3:00 pm
[*]Somebody's overusing capslock on the chat - what do you do: I will give them 3 warnings and then report then.
[*]Somebody's begging for rankup - what do you do: I give them a warning and then ban.
[*]Something about yourself, it doesn't have to be long: I like having fun on minecraft and building things from games and movies.
[*]Additional: I have a friend who Is a very good builder who also has experience with being an admin and owner of a server.